A Detailed Guide to Using Cantilever Racks For Industrial Projects

Cantilever racks are also called industrial pipe racks or lumber racks. They are considered to a highly innovative solution to the storage problem. Many a times the manufacturers are in a situation where they need to store long, bulky items safely and securely, but there is no actual way to get rid of them so easily. This is one of the best solutions for massive cantilever rack. These racks make swift work of storing bulky and long items like wood, steel pipes, lumber, plywood, iron pipes and various other long raw material handling items. These racks make use of a center column which is equipped with arms to provide industry-standard shelving levels to safely storing items. You can various online stores where they sell new and used cantilever racking systems

Cantilever racking are found in the market mostly in the form of single sided and double sided configurations. And the major difference between the two is the number of the available sides for storage. A single-sided system is only able to use one side while the double-sided system can store materials on both the sides (front and rear). Cantilever racks are highly modular in design and this can be seen in each of the basic capacity series (medium, heavy or extra-heavy duty). That is why additional arms, cross braces as well as uprights can be ordered as per your liking that can enhance your already existing professional rack system. Various sized arms can be switched on the racks that can be useful for various purposes.

Pros of using cantilever racks

  • Easy accessibility to a single piece or a full load
  • Fast, simple handling of unwieldy and long stock
  • Offers a clutter-free and orderly inventory system
  • Allows bars, pipes and tubes storage that must be kept off the floor
  • Bases can additionally be used to store without necessarily decreasing the upright’s capacity
  • Forklifts can be used to conveniently load items
  • Purchasing additional arms, uprights and braces offers more extra units to your already existing industrial shelving unit

    Consider this blog and purchase new and used bulk containers and cantilever racks from a reputed online store.   


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